Join the wild ride along Southern Ethiopia's Rift Valley, where local transport is an adventure on its own: overfilled buses held together solely by hope and motorbikes carrying everything from chickens to sofas...
- by Agnieszka & Dennis
"The governments of the US, the UK, Canada and Australia advise against travel to Haiti due to civil unrest, crime, and kidnapping. Consular services may be limited". Thus informed, was it a good idea to sneak into Haiti, the Western hemisphere's poorest country, from the Dominican Republic?
Let's find out together!
- by Ludwig
Andreas visited Iran with a friend who worked there for several years. Together they went on an extended road trip through the country. Andreas will tell us about his experiences and share some insights about Iran, its beautiful culture and the influence of politics and sanctions.
-by Andreas
After Sam finished school he wanted to explore the world. This desire took him on a bicycle trip from his cozy hometown in Germany all the way to faraway Thailand. In between he experienced beautiful landscapes, different cultures, heart-warming encounters with many people and a total of 19 countries. It was an incredible adventure and an unforgettable experience.
-by Samuel
They sent us off with one advice: if there is donkey shit on the path, you're right! The Cordillera Huayhuash is a very remote tropical mountain range in the north of Peru. There is no infrastructure, so you have to carry all the food, sleeping bag and tent over passes around 5.000m...
-by Uli & Christiane
This presentation will bring you to the highlands of Nepal and the Himalayan Mountains. From Nepal to the unexpected trek in the mountains, meeting the people, eating the food, admiring the views – and being a bit scared at the very interesting airport…Find out about the unforeseen trek of Graham J.
-by Graham J
The Te Araroa is a 3.000km long distance trail through all New Zealand. She started the trail in February 2018 and hiked 1.400km before Winter hit. She wants to invite you to climb on to her backpack and walk across New Zealand on the Te Araroa trail, that offers spectacular mountain, ocean and forest views.
-by Annika
Surfing on couches is no hotel stay, but it is a chance to live an everyday life in cities and countries you visit for only a few days. I will tell you why I had philosophic discussions about Nietzsche in a psychedelic bar in Istanbul, talked a whole night about sailing boats in Zagreb, stayed with a 70 year old in a Tiny House on Vancouver Island, stayed in the oldest house of Tel-Aviv, hosted a band in my living room, had bike tours with a janitor of an international research station from the South Pole and had a 5 week road trip with my two dogs through 11 countries without paying for a single night.
-by Cécil
Be prepared for: crocodiles, mud, a lot of breakdowns, rice cooked in bamboo and more mud.
-by Marcel
Alexander will take us on a journey from his early moonstruck childhood, where his interest for UFOs began, over his immigration to the US in 2001, where he visited most NASA sites, such as Cape Canaveral in Houston/Texas, to his encounter with two "smoking guns" - a book about the tryptamine molecule DMT and a documentary about the "real" UFO phenomenon - which led him to an expedition to the Amazon rainforest in Peru.
-by Alexander
Westernmost African state becomes a popular tourist destination. Still, nearly 90% of guests visit only a tiny fragment of this beautiful and diverse country! Do you want to know what hides the rest?
- Wieńczysław
The Chernobyl disaster from ‘86 is considered the worst nuclear accident in history. Today some areas of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone are open for visitors. Sascha spent two days there and will present how it currently looks like today.
-by Sascha
Houses with porches, huge trucks, big roads, from the dishwasher to the millionaire, land of the free and the home of the brave and so forth... we all know these cliches about the United States of America.
When I traveled from Africa to the US in March 2019, it was on the spur of a moment with no planning whatsoever. Travelling 4500 km alongside the American East Coast for a month, I was able to see a lot of what I only knew from the movies. During my trip I met great people, discovered beautiful landscapes and couldn't avoid seeing some contradictions that were, let's say, interesting.
-by Alex
First crossing it by bicycle and then coming back for spending almost two years working and living in that small Central Asian country (some people haven’t even heard of). There must be something about Tajikistan, which is simply fascinating. Besides being equipped with high mountains, alpine lakes and gorgeous nature in general, it is also home to some of the loveliest and most special people on earth. Give me the chance to share some of my experiences with you.
-by Jenny
Gilles traveled through the rugged mountains of northern Vietnam and bordering China, a once isolated region that is embracing modernity as railway and road building bring people together.
-by Gilles
Samantha will present her experience with the matrilineal society in India. The Khasis, a community in the state of Megahalaya, India, is one of the last surviving matrilineal societies in the world, and the descent is traced from mother to daughter. A short look into the men's rights movement and the beautiful foothills of the Himalayas.
-by Samantha
Thinking about the Philippines we perhaps imagine fine beaches with palm trees and an eternal summer, diving, rice terraces and cobblestone-paved colonial towns. But which problems do those face, who are not on holiday but live in the country? Which structures prevent a sustainable development? And why is President Duterte fighting a drug-war?
-by Ludwig
When I first heard about the tragic fate of the ancient town of Hasankeyf in October 2019, instantly I knew I had to see that place before its 12.000 years of human history will be submerged and destroyed forever. Two weeks later I was there. I will tell you the story of Hasankeyf and take you on my 6-days tour of northern Kurdistan where you find some of the oldest sources of human culture.
-by Dennis
The highs and lows of volunteering in Moldova
- by Caroline
Michal and his travel friends went on a road trip through the landlocked country in central Asia, Kyrgyzstan. Besides the road trip, they trekked a huge distance from Karakol to Ala-kul, where they also attempted climbing Pik Učitel. Michal will tell us more about what happened on the attempt!
-by Michal
One newspaper headline seen in Munich brought Croatian traveler Damir V to the heart of the Sahara desert. He was heading to attend the Sahara Marathon there, but he found the people living in refugee camps for the last 40 years, peacefully waiting for their coming back home, and it changed his life forever.
- by Damir
Marcos P traveled the so-called Kings Trail (Kungsleden) in the backcountry of the Swedish Lapland on skies - over 400km through a magnificent area and one of the largest protected areas in Europe.
-by Marcos
-by Elcin
-by Kimberly
-by Lina
-by Wolfgang
-by Pengfei
-by Steve
-by Kathrin
-by Christoph
-by Amad
-by Kai
-by Claus
-by Uli and Christiane
-by Petra